British Residents Search : P
Surname Names Source View
PaceRobertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PackDennisBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PackeGeorge HBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PackerRichardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PageDanielBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PageDanielBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PageGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PageGregoryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PageJBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PaineJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PainePeterBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PallisterABritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PallisterHenryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PalmTBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PalmerHarry CharlesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PalmerJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PalmerJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PalmerThomas DelozierBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PalmerWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PannelRobertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PantonSurgeonBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PappsSurgeoBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ParkWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ParkerEdwardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ParkerJBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ParkerJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ParkerJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ParkerMBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ParkerRichardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ParkerR JBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ParkerWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ParkhillDavidBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ParkinsJ WBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ParkinsonHBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ParkinsonLawrenceBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ParksCharlesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ParksJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ParlbySamuelBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ParnellJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ParnellJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ParrWilliam SBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ParryEdwardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ParryHenryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ParryJosephBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ParryLove AlbertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ParsonageJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ParsonsCharles HenryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ParsonsHenryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PartridgeDrBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PartridgeMisBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PaskeGBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PatersonArchibaldBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PatersonDavidBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PatersonJBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PatersonTateBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PatonJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PatrickMatthewBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PatrickRobert WilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PatrickThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PattersonJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PattersonJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PattersonJohn FloydBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PattersonJohn WilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PattisonWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PattisonMaryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PattounR T RBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PatulloDavidBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PatulloThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PaulRobertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PaulTheodorusBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PawleyGBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PayneCharlesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PayneGeorge MenelausBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PayneJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PayneJosephBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PaynePBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PayneRichard MorseBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PayneWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PayneWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PayneWilliam RobertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PeacheDanielBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PeacockSergeanBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PeacockJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PearWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PearceJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PearceJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PearsonWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PeckRichardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PeckSimonBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PeckVesianBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PedderGeorge MurrayBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PeeblesJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PeekFrancisBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PeelPaulBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PeelThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PeelmanWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PellyJohn HenryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PennRichardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PennRobertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PennellWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PennellWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PennickGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PennyJoshuaBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PensonJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PeppinWilliam WadeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PercevalRobertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PerkinsSee UndeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PerrenWBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PerringJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PerryJohn PhilipBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PertonMisBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PeterColinBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PetersGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PetersJBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PetersJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PetersJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PetrieFrederick CharlesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PettingalF WBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PhaupAndrewBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PheasantWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PhelanWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PhelpsGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PhilanDanielBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PhilbinRobertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PhilipJohBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PhillipsBenjaminBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PhillipsDanielBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PhillipsGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PhillipsHenryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PhillipsJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PhillipsJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PhillipsRobertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PhillipsThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PhillipsWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PhillipsWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PhipsonWilliam HowellBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PicardHenry ABritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PicieringJBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PickeringCBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PickoverMatthewBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PickthallRobertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PickthornW HBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PiggotWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PigotRichardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PillingOswaldBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PillonJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PinckneyGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PinkertonWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PipeWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PippingWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PitmanJBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PitmanJosephBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PittittRobertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PittonCharlesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PlampinRobertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PleckettWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PlenderleathWilliam SBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PocockSamuelBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PoincyLewisBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PoolJohannes JacobusBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PoolWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PooleJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PoolerJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PopeHenryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PopeThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PophamSir Home RiggsBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PorbeckWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PorterJ SBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PorterThomas GeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PostonJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PotterMBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PottingerE PBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PottsC HBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PowellFarrier MajorBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PowellHarryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PowellJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PowerFrancisBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PowlettThomas NortonBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PowleyFrancis GerrardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PownallPhilemonBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PoyntzM MBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PraterWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PrattJohn DBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PrendergastWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PrenticeJohn ThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PrenticeThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PrescottJamesBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PrestonJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PriceCaptBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PriceAssBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PriceJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PriceR EBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PriceRobertBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PriceStephenBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PriceThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PrickellFrancisBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PrinceFrancis EdwardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PrinceGeorge WilsonBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PrinceRichardBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PringleDeleaBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PringleJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PringleJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PringleMargaretBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PringleThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PritzlerTheophilusBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ProctorGeorgeBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ProctorThomasBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ProctorWilliamBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
ProvidenceMaryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PrynterHenryBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PullerDavidBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PybusJohnBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PycroftWBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PymSamuelBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
PyneA RBritish Residents at the Cape: 1795-1819View
British Residents Alphabetical Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Please note that errors or omissions are likely to be found and should be verified via its original source.

Many of inhabitants were of course army officers and merchants and it should be possible to use this work to trace in detail to trace the family histories of these early English Settlers. In general historians working on the early period of British rule at the Cape will be able to find this a useful work of reference and in all probability and within its limits are very reliable one.