Ancestry Gift VoucherAncestry Gift Vouchers are the perfect gift idea for family and friends for Christmas or Birthday presents. An Ancestry Gift Voucher is something that will last for generations to come and preserve family history’s.

Ancestry Gift Vouchers can be bought in terms of “hours of research undertaken” and are emailed to the purchaser as a customised jpeg image with the receivers’ name on it so that you can print it out. Payments can be made via Electronic Bank Transfer in South Africa and PayPal for overseas clients.

How does this work?

You buy a few hours of my time and I will research the family history with the information you have provided, and your family member or friend will need to also provide me with the starting information. They will also need to give me copies of documents they already have so that I do not repeat something that may have been done already. However, depending on how much depth of the family history they want researched will change the time frame as well as how many people in the tree you want researched. Remembering that every generation you go back the amount of ancestors’ doubles.

Pyramid Theory of Doubling Ancestors



                           2 PARENTS

                        4 GRANDPARENTS

                     8 GREAT-GRANDPARENTS

                  16 GREAT-GREAT-GRANDPARENTS








What the Ancestry Gift Voucher contains

  • A professionally drawn ancestral chart
  • A personalised report
  • Copies of documents found which could be actual photographs from original documents, microfilm images from documents that are too fragile to be photographed or handled.
  • Images of deceased estate papers, baptism certificates, marriage certificates, images of graves or burial records. No paper documents are received, and everything is in electronic format.
  • An invitation to Dropbox where all the results and images will be found.

It is important to remember that this Ancestry Gift Voucher is for my time and not for the documents – the documents are included for free unless the client would like special documents from the Master of the High Court which are for recent deceased estate files and come at an additional cost. Not all families are well documented, and some families produce far better results than others so one cannot compare The Royal Family with yours.

Ancestry Gift Vouchers are valid for 3 months from date of purchase. Terms and Conditions Apply. Contact me now if you would like to buy an Ancestry Gift Voucher for South African Research.