Naturalizations and immigration records are an extremely valuable part of any application for Ancestry Passports or VISA’s. I provide a service for anyone looking to Immigrate to get Citizenship in a foreign country from South Africa. Over 39 000 Naturalizations from 1943 – 1976 can be now found here.

If you are looking for proof of ancestry to find out or not whether you are illegible for immigration to the United Kingdom, Germany or Russia, or any EU country.

Read more here:

South African Citizenship Act of 1949

Immigration Records

If you can provide me with the name of your ancestor at the time of their arrival in South Africa and the year of the event, I can provide you with a quotation to get the reference of their Naturalization and when they were Naturalized in South Africa.  This number you will need before you go to Home Affairs for a copy of the document. Most naturalization records post-1910 are held at the Department of Home Affairs in Pretoria. The reference generally also includes possibly the two surnames as many people anglicized their surnames when coming to South Africa. The entry will provide:

  1. Number of  the Certificate
  2. Full Name
  3. Nationality prior to the grant of a Certificate of Naturalization
  4. Birth Place
  5. Occupation
  6. Date of Issue of Certificate
  7. Source reference of Information

If you are unsure if they were Naturalized, then their death notice sometimes states if they were a naturalized citizen or not. The death notice can also be searched for and obtained for a fee. If none of the above records can prove what you are looking for then I would need to trace the family line until we find evidence of the place of birth for one of your ancestors.

Remember that unabridged copies of birth, marriage, and death certificates will also be needed for any immigration or VISA application. The can be obtained from the Department of Home Affairs.

Contact me now.
